Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Indonesian Specialist Spring Maker


Introduction Starting from the idea that armed with the knowledge of the different background than spring and idea to form a comodity effort to produce a product that can support the rapid growth of the industry.

PT.YUMA PRESISI INDONESIA an industrial company that manufactures spring for electronics and Auotomotive.
Started business on January 2011,walking with confidence that we get from consumer who are committed either with us.
We have a human resource that is reliable spring making and experience from japan spring company. It is enough reason for us that we can produce spring with good quality and competitive price.


To be acknowledged as dependable leading manufacturer of spring in global market with highly recognized quality product and accomplished by highly committed people.

1. To deliver product which consistenly meets the needs and expectation of all our customers.
2. To adopt continual improvement program trough quality system implementation.
3. To empower people training system,5S,Picos program and quality controll system.
4. To achive highes values in passion,integrity,commitment.
5. To achive highest productivity by people and output.
6. To create PT.YUMA PRESISI INDONESIA as a friendly environmental company.

Product :

1. Compression Spring
2. Torsion Spring
3. Extention Spring
4. Wire Bending Spring
5. Stamping Part
6. Machining and

1 komentar:

  1. PT. MULTI SAMUDERA INTERBUANAINTERNATIONAL FREIGHT FORWARDER EXPORT - IMPORT Kepada Yth : Pimpinan Perusahaan Dear Purchasing, Bagian Import Kami dari Pt. Multi Samudera Interbuana, memperkenalkan diri sebagai Perusahaan International Freight Forwarders & Importir Umum yang berdomisili di Jakarta dan kami siap membantu segala kebutuhan yang berhubungan dengan proses Kepabeanan, Customs Clearance Import , Undername  Import Import,Redress Consignee , Domestic maupun Transportasi barang ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia dan Internasional. Sebagai dasar pendukung untuk memenuhi segala kebutuhan pelanggan, maka kami telah memiliki serta melengkapi beberapa izin yang diperlukan .Project kerjasama unggulan kami sebagai berikut :o   General Customs Clearanceo   All-in Customs Clearanceo   Including :  Pajak Import, Biaya D.O,  Sewa Gudang &      other chargeso   Importasi dengan system Door to door  Regional Asia,      Eropa dan Amerikao   Air& Sea Freight (LCL & FCL)o   Bonded Warehousingo   Door to door serviceo   Under Nameo   Import Sea Freight & AirFreight Serviceo   Import Consulidationo   Custom Clearance Import ( ALLIn )o   Second of Machine Import Perusahaan kami salah satu perusahaan yang melayani Customs Clearance seperti :o   PI Besi atau Baja,Baja Paduan,dan Produk Turunannyao   PI Kehutanano   Mesin Bekas / Barang bekaso   Garmento   Textile  o   SNIo   Dll 
    Operasional Perusahaan Kami Meliputi :o   Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok & Soekarno Hatta II Air Port      ( Jakarta )o   Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak ( Surabaya )o   Pelabuhan Tanjung Emas ( Semarang )o   Pelabuhan Belawan ( Medan ) Demikianlah perkenalan dari kami, besar harapan kami menjadi mitra atau rekanan baru di perusahaan bapak / ibu. Atas kesempatan, kepercayaan dan kerjasama yang baik kami ucapkan terimakasih.
    FIRMANSYAHStaf Bag Import 
    PT. MULTI SAMUDERA INTERBUANAJl. Raya Otista No 141 Jakarta Timur 13330 IndonesiaPhone              : 021 8197310 Ext 8001Fax                  : 021 85918605Call/ WA         : 082165090967                                                              E-Mail             : Website           :
